Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wwoofing, HelpX and Workcamps - short term volunteering

After I already wrote an article about opportunities for long term volunteering, I want to show you some examples and possibilities for short term volunteering today.S o if you have only a few weeks, but want to do something, this might be perfect for you.

WWOOF stands for world wide working on organic farms. So basically, the idea is that people work for 5 to 7 hours a day 4 to 5 days a week on an organic farm and get free food and accommodation in exchange. It is a great way to learn new skills, have fun, learn the language and get in contact with local people. Sometimes you will be the only wwoofer who stays with the family, sometimes there will be other volunteers as well. It is easy how it works: you just have to sign up for the country you want to go, which costs about 20 euro for a year. Then you get a list of farms with a short description and contact details. So your task is to write them a nice mail, telling when and why you want to stay at their farm etc. You can arrange everything individually with them e.g. length of stay, working hours, tasks...

Official website with links to every country 

HELPX works similar than wwoof, but you can find a lot more different things you can work on. It is not for farms, but also for homestays or working as a nanny. More information you can find here

WORKCAMPS are a bit different from wwoofing and helpX. You can choose a certain project and go there to volunteer for a few weeks togteher with other volunteers from different countries . Mostly you have to pay around 150 Euro to the Organisation, and then a bit for food and accomodation. I did it in Serbia in 2011 and had to pay 15 urp for 2 weeks. So praktically nothing. 
For more information:

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